- require that most development authorisations be subject to a condition that requires the applicant to either provide the minimum number of vehicle parks as specified in the Vehicle Parking Scheme or to pay an amount calculated in accordance with the Scheme into the Vehicle Parking Fund
- specify that the Scheme must require new dwellings with one bedroom to have at least one vehicle park and dwellings with two or more bedrooms to have at least two vehicle parks
- allow the Minister to exclude areas or classes of development from the operation of the Scheme by notice published on the SA Planning Portal
- establishes the Fund, which may be used for any of the following purposes:
- establishing, developing and maintaining public vehicle parking in areas where the Minister considers insufficient vehicle parking exists, including by acquiring land for the purposes of public vehicle parking; or
- maintaining or improving existing public vehicle parking facilities, including by maintaining or improving signage, road surfacing, line marking, lighting and pedestrian connectivity in respect of such facilities; or
- improving public bicycle parking facilities; or
- any other thing relating to vehicle parking considered appropriate by the Minister
- allow the Minister to wind up existing council carparking funds (those that were established under the Development Act 1993) and transfer remaining monies into the Fund, at least 18 months after the Bill commences operation.
- that one-bedroom dwellings must have one vehicle car park and dwellings with two or more bedrooms must have at least two vehicle parks
- Note: this rate of car parks per bedroom reflects the current rate that applies in residential zones across the state, this is not a change to current rules.
- Note: there is no requirement to build a garage or carport, just the space for at least one vehicle to be covered should the owner choose to in the future. This is different to the current rules, where a dwelling must have a covered car park.
- the following minimum dimensions for vehicle parks:
- The minimum width of the door to a single garage must be at least 3000 mm.
- provide that, while vehicle parks need not be covered, at least one vehicle park must be capable of being covered (and once covered, must still meet the above dimensions)
- allow for further classes of development to be designated and captured by the Scheme, such as commercial development, once existing council car parking funds have been wound up
- specify that, other than in relation to new dwellings, a condition needs to be attached to the development authorisation requiring the applicant to make payment before development approval is issued, where there is a shortfall in the number of required vehicle parks, in line with the following rates:
- if the development is within the CBD (while the requirements for new dwellings likely won’t apply within the CBD, further classes of development within the CBD may be designated in the Scheme) – $45,000 per vehicle park
- if the development is outside of the CBD, but within Metropolitan Adelaide – $35,000 per vehicle park
- if the development is outside of Metropolitan Adelaide, but within Greater Adelaide – $25,000 per vehicle park
- if the development is outside of Greater Adelaide (would only apply to a further class of development designated in the Scheme) – $10,000 per vehicle park.
Why is the South Australian Government progressing the Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Vehicle Parking) Amendment Bill 2025 ?
The South Australian Government has recognised the need for legislative amendment as carparking on residential streets has become a contentious issue amongst the community, especially in those areas where substantial infill development is occurring.
As a result, the government made an election commitment (as part of Planning for SA) to “ensure future developments provide a minimum of at least one off-street car park for every dwelling, or two car parks for dwellings with two or more bedrooms with limited flexibility to deal with specific circumstances (e.g. developments in the CBD)”.
In addition, the Expert Panel on Planning System Implementation Review considered the issue of car parking space sizes specified in the Planning and Design Code and whether they are appropriate given the increasing length and width of vehicles.
As a result, they recommended that minimum garage sizes be increased to accommodate the top ten selling vehicles in the state.
What are the key reforms being progressed in the Bill?
The provisions of the Bill:
What is the Vehicle Parking Scheme and what will it do?
The Scheme is designed to support minimum carparking requirements for residential developments and seeks to alleviate community concerns around carparking on residential streets, especially in those areas where substantial infill development is occurring. The Scheme will be established by the Minister for Planning under the provisions of the Bill, with its primary purpose to specify:
Vehicle Park | Width | Length |
Single Vehicle Park | 3500 mm | 6000 mm |
Double Vehicle Park | 5400 mm | 5400 mm |
In addition to the above, the Scheme will also:
What are the current minimum dimensions of garages prescribed in the Planning and Design Code?
Garage Type | Width | Length |
Single Garage | 3000mm | 5400mm |
Double Garage | 5400mm | 5400mm |
Why are only the dimensions for single vehicle parks changing?
In drafting the Bill, the government has decided that only single garage/carport sizes should be increased in line with the Expert Panel’s recommendations.
This is primarily due to single garages often being used for storage purposes which limits the ability to park a vehicle. The current double garage/carport size of 5400 mm x 5400 mm is considered appropriate.
How were the amounts payable determined for circumstances where there is a shortfall in the number of car parks?
The rates proposed are based on market research of the cost of a carpark within the CBD. The remaining rates have then been appropriately scaled down based on distance from the CBD.
It is anticipated that these rates will be subject to a review following the Scheme having been in operation for 12 months. After that review the rates will be indexed annually.
What areas or classes of development will be excluded from the operation of the Scheme?
It is anticipated that areas of higher density, such as the Adelaide CBD and strategic infill sites, may be excluded from the operation of the Scheme.
Subject to any feedback received from stakeholders, other forms or classes of development may be excluded from the operation of the Scheme.
Why does the Bill allow existing council carparking funds to be wound up?
Establishing a fund controlled by the state government will ensure fees regarding a shortfall in providing vehicle parks are charged consistently across council areas.
It is also understood that existing council carparking funds limit the amount of capital works or investment in carparking infrastructure that councils can undertake.
One consolidated fund will increase the ability for significant investment in carparking infrastructure.