Community Climate Panel

Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.

Registrations to be part of the Community Climate Panel have now closed. Please see the Update for further information.

Now is the time… 

This is your opportunity to be the voice of your community and shape how South Australia acts to address climate change. 

How can we achieve net zero by 2050? What should we do? 

We are inviting you to join the Climate Community Panel to set the agenda.

What's being decided?

The creation of a Community Climate Panel to consider what action needs to be taken to reduce carbon emissions is a joint initiative between Conservation Council of South Australia, South Australians for Climate Action and Department for Environment and Water.

The purpose of the Panel is to help find a way forward for action on climate change by promoting a state-wide discussion about opportunities to reduce emissions that have the most impact.

Topics that will be discussed include:

  • How can we achieve net zero by 2050?
  • What should we do?
  • There are many opportunities to reduce our carbon emissions; some will have more impact than others. Which of the opportunities do South Australians need to discuss?

The Panel will do this by engaging in facilitated discussions, hearing from experts and working together collaboratively on a report. The report will form the basis for other conversations to be held by organisations and communities across the State about what needs to be done.

The report will be-

  • provided to the Deputy Premier and Minister for Climate, Environment and Water to assist the government in developing the State’s strategy to achieve a net zero emissions future
  • shared with government, businesses and non-government organisations across the state to inform their thinking about actions to respond to climate change and reduce emissions

We need you to help map South Australia’s pathway to net zero carbon emissions.


Addressing climate change is now urgent. Every person on earth – every country, every territory needs to respond.

To assist national and international efforts to address climate change the South Australian Government has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions which are drivers of climate change.

The aim is to reduce South Australia’s net emissions to at least 50% by 2030 and to net zero by 2050. Getting there requires collaboration and innovation – which will have the added benefit of creating economic opportunities for our state.

Get involved

We are inviting you to join the Climate Community Panel.

You could be one of approximately 50 people independently selected to participate in the South Australian Climate Community Panel.

If you can attend all the meetings shown in the key dates section - register your interest to be part of the Community Panel in the survey below. If you are selected and take part in all face-to-face sessions, you will receive an honorarium of $50/day to cover costs of travel or other incidentals for our face to face sessions. 

For Panel members who live more than 120kms away from Adelaide, we will provide additional assistance for travel and accommodation.

Meals and refreshments will also be provided during the in-person sessions.

What are the next steps?

Independent consultant democracyCo will be selecting participants for the Panel.

They will be using a process of random stratification to select a group that is diverse and broadly reflective of the South Australian community.

DemocracyCo will be in touch about whether your registration of interest has been successful by the end of April.

RSVP by the 20th April

Registrations to be part of the Community Climate Panel have now closed. Please see the Update for further information.

Now is the time… 

This is your opportunity to be the voice of your community and shape how South Australia acts to address climate change. 

How can we achieve net zero by 2050? What should we do? 

We are inviting you to join the Climate Community Panel to set the agenda.

What's being decided?

The creation of a Community Climate Panel to consider what action needs to be taken to reduce carbon emissions is a joint initiative between Conservation Council of South Australia, South Australians for Climate Action and Department for Environment and Water.

The purpose of the Panel is to help find a way forward for action on climate change by promoting a state-wide discussion about opportunities to reduce emissions that have the most impact.

Topics that will be discussed include:

  • How can we achieve net zero by 2050?
  • What should we do?
  • There are many opportunities to reduce our carbon emissions; some will have more impact than others. Which of the opportunities do South Australians need to discuss?

The Panel will do this by engaging in facilitated discussions, hearing from experts and working together collaboratively on a report. The report will form the basis for other conversations to be held by organisations and communities across the State about what needs to be done.

The report will be-

  • provided to the Deputy Premier and Minister for Climate, Environment and Water to assist the government in developing the State’s strategy to achieve a net zero emissions future
  • shared with government, businesses and non-government organisations across the state to inform their thinking about actions to respond to climate change and reduce emissions

We need you to help map South Australia’s pathway to net zero carbon emissions.


Addressing climate change is now urgent. Every person on earth – every country, every territory needs to respond.

To assist national and international efforts to address climate change the South Australian Government has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions which are drivers of climate change.

The aim is to reduce South Australia’s net emissions to at least 50% by 2030 and to net zero by 2050. Getting there requires collaboration and innovation – which will have the added benefit of creating economic opportunities for our state.

Get involved

We are inviting you to join the Climate Community Panel.

You could be one of approximately 50 people independently selected to participate in the South Australian Climate Community Panel.

If you can attend all the meetings shown in the key dates section - register your interest to be part of the Community Panel in the survey below. If you are selected and take part in all face-to-face sessions, you will receive an honorarium of $50/day to cover costs of travel or other incidentals for our face to face sessions. 

For Panel members who live more than 120kms away from Adelaide, we will provide additional assistance for travel and accommodation.

Meals and refreshments will also be provided during the in-person sessions.

What are the next steps?

Independent consultant democracyCo will be selecting participants for the Panel.

They will be using a process of random stratification to select a group that is diverse and broadly reflective of the South Australian community.

DemocracyCo will be in touch about whether your registration of interest has been successful by the end of April.

RSVP by the 20th April

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We need you – yes you! 

    We need South Australians from all sorts of backgrounds, ages and cultures, with different skills, experiences and views on climate change. 

    We need your creativity! 

    This is not about experts talking to experts. This is about raising the voices of every day South Australians and enabling a diverse group to talk together about what should be done and what can be done, using your lived experience.

    Want to be part of the Climate Community Panel - take the survey to register your interest! 

    DemocracyCo are the independent facilitators of this process and will be in touch regarding the outcomes of the selection process. 

    Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.