Mount Lofty Golf Resort - redevelopment of Stirling Golf Club

Consultation has concluded

Share your views on the proposed tourist accommodation, function centre and associated works at Stirling Golf Club.

What's being decided?

We are seeking your feedback on a proposal to build new tourist accommodation and golf club facilities, provide retail and café space, and improve the golf course at Stirling Golf Club.

The proposed redevelopment, known as Mount Lofty Golf Resort, includes:

  • constructing a new hotel building and private retreats (pods)
  • a new clubhouse facility and pro-shop, administration areas and change rooms
  • retention and improvements to the 18-hole golf course
  • conservation works and adaptive reuse of a local heritage place to accommodate a café, retail and function space
  • about 200 car parking spaces in two parking areas
  • tree and native vegetation removal and associated landscaping.

You are invited to provide your feedback on the proposal outlined in the Development Report - Mount Lofty Golf Resort, prepared by Mount Lofty Golf Estate.


In December 2020, the Minister for Planning declared the Mount Lofty Golf Resort project should be assessed as a ‘major development’ to ensure environmental, community and economic impacts are fully examined in assessing the proposal.

The independent State Planning Commission developed guidelines for Mount Lofty Golf Estate to prepare a development report, outlining what they want to do, what the environmental impacts will be and how those impacts will be managed.

The development report covers the proposal in detail, design and materials, construction and ongoing operation of the development and environmental assessments.

This environmental impact assessment pathway is the most rigorous level of development assessment in South Australia and is reserved for projects of economic, social or environmental importance to the state.

Get involved

Find out more:

Have your say by:

  • taking our 5-10 minute survey
  • emailing a submission to:
  • posting your written submission to: Minister for Planning, Attention: Robert Kleeman, Manager, Crown and Impact Assessment, Planning and Land Use Services, Department for Trade and Investment, GPO Box 1815, ADELAIDE SA 5001

Hard copy documents are also available to view at Planning and Land Use Services at 83 Pirie Street, Stirling Library, Woodside Library and Gumeracha Library.

What are the next steps?

Mount Lofty Golf Estate will consider your feedback in developing a ‘response document’ that outlines the feedback received, addresses any issues raised during consultation and outlines proposed changes to the development.

We will publish the response document on this website and the PlanSA website.

The State Planning Commission will then provide the Minister for Planning with an Assessment Report and recommendations for consideration in making his decision on the proposed development.

Share your views on the proposed tourist accommodation, function centre and associated works at Stirling Golf Club.

What's being decided?

We are seeking your feedback on a proposal to build new tourist accommodation and golf club facilities, provide retail and café space, and improve the golf course at Stirling Golf Club.

The proposed redevelopment, known as Mount Lofty Golf Resort, includes:

  • constructing a new hotel building and private retreats (pods)
  • a new clubhouse facility and pro-shop, administration areas and change rooms
  • retention and improvements to the 18-hole golf course
  • conservation works and adaptive reuse of a local heritage place to accommodate a café, retail and function space
  • about 200 car parking spaces in two parking areas
  • tree and native vegetation removal and associated landscaping.

You are invited to provide your feedback on the proposal outlined in the Development Report - Mount Lofty Golf Resort, prepared by Mount Lofty Golf Estate.


In December 2020, the Minister for Planning declared the Mount Lofty Golf Resort project should be assessed as a ‘major development’ to ensure environmental, community and economic impacts are fully examined in assessing the proposal.

The independent State Planning Commission developed guidelines for Mount Lofty Golf Estate to prepare a development report, outlining what they want to do, what the environmental impacts will be and how those impacts will be managed.

The development report covers the proposal in detail, design and materials, construction and ongoing operation of the development and environmental assessments.

This environmental impact assessment pathway is the most rigorous level of development assessment in South Australia and is reserved for projects of economic, social or environmental importance to the state.

Get involved

Find out more:

Have your say by:

  • taking our 5-10 minute survey
  • emailing a submission to:
  • posting your written submission to: Minister for Planning, Attention: Robert Kleeman, Manager, Crown and Impact Assessment, Planning and Land Use Services, Department for Trade and Investment, GPO Box 1815, ADELAIDE SA 5001

Hard copy documents are also available to view at Planning and Land Use Services at 83 Pirie Street, Stirling Library, Woodside Library and Gumeracha Library.

What are the next steps?

Mount Lofty Golf Estate will consider your feedback in developing a ‘response document’ that outlines the feedback received, addresses any issues raised during consultation and outlines proposed changes to the development.

We will publish the response document on this website and the PlanSA website.

The State Planning Commission will then provide the Minister for Planning with an Assessment Report and recommendations for consideration in making his decision on the proposed development.

Consultation has concluded

We are seeking your feedback on a proposal to build new tourist accommodation and golf club facilities, provide retail and café space, and improve the golf course at Stirling Golf Club. 

If you would like to ask a question before you submit your feedback via our survey, post it on this Questions tool and we'll get back to you with a response.

  • What efforts have been made to protect existing trees and wildlife in the area in the planning phase of this proposed development?

    Samantha Bywaters asked about 1 year ago

    Hi Samantha,

    Detailed information outlining outline potential impacts and mitigation actions to protect trees and wildlife are available in the following documents, prepared as part of the proposal by Mount Lofty Golf Resort: 

    A Construction Environmental Management Plan for the construction phase of the project also includes strategies for managing native vegetation and fauna.

     Some of the key activities to protect existing trees and wildlife in the area in the planning phase of this proposed development, taken from the ‘Application information’ section of the native vegetation clearance data report, include:

    • The proposed new vehicle access in the southern part of the Project Area utilises an existing partially cleared, albeit unofficial walking entrance and avoids better quality vegetation adjacent to this area. The proposed area for the carpark adjacent to the Scent Factory redevelopment also avoids direct impacts to vegetation associations A1b and A3 (see Figure 4)
    • The proposed footprint of the main hotel building was selected based on the existing site footprint, minimising additional impact to surrounding vegetation despite the proposed footprint being larger
    • The rehabilitation or restoration of some areas that are impacted by the clearance of native vegetation will be achieved through revegetation, with a preference for species local to the Adelaide Hills. Some areas will not be able to be rehabilitated due to CFS constraints and the need to maintain specific bushfire attack level ratings.
    • Efforts to minimise the extent, duration and intensity of impacts on the clearance of native vegetation around the pods has been considered at multiple stages of the planning process. A total of 13 iterations (as of 30/08/2022) have been documented which include a reduction in the number of pods, and relocation of where these pods are proposed to be located. 
    • Furthermore, clearing of vegetation, including the clearing of native vegetation and fauna habitat, will be minimised to the greatest extent practicable through the selection of plant (machinery) that will avoid impact on retained trees.