Proposed suburb boundary change Seaford Meadows and Port Noarlunga South

Consultation has concluded

Have your say on the proposed realignment of part of the boundary between Seaford Meadows and Port Noarlunga South.

What's being decided?

Under the provisions of section 11B of the Geographical Names Act 1991, we are seeking your feedback on a proposal to realign part of the boundary between Seaford Meadows and Port Noarlunga South.

The boundary currently cuts through vacant land on which a large-scale residential housing development is planned, as well as part of the Onkaparinga River Recreation Park.

This means that both the vacant land and adjacent park is located in both Port Noarlunga South and Seaford Meadows. If the proposed development goes ahead, houses would be included in both suburbs.

Changing a section of the boundary will provide better land administration, and avoid any potential for confusion for emergency services.


Realigning part of the boundary between the two suburbs. This proposed change would mean the vacant allotment (Allotment 501 in D93870) and the adjacent Onkaparinga River Recreation park would be in Port Noarlunga South.

No existing residences or addresses are affected by this proposal. View the maps in the documents section of the current and proposed boundary.

As is required under Section 11B(2) of the Geographical Names Act 1991, the community must be advised and given the opportunity to have their say about proposed boundary changes.

A Notice of Intent for this current proposal was published on 10 June 2021 as per the Geographical Names Act 1991. This notice and more information about the process can found at:

Previous public consultation has occurred regarding this proposed suburb boundary change via a public notice dated 22 October 2020. Feedback resulted in the changes now being consulted on. For more information on the previous proposal visit

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To have your say:

What are the next steps?

The Surveyor-General will consider all feedback and a recommendation will be made to the Minister, the Hon Vickie Chapman MP.

Have your say on the proposed realignment of part of the boundary between Seaford Meadows and Port Noarlunga South.

What's being decided?

Under the provisions of section 11B of the Geographical Names Act 1991, we are seeking your feedback on a proposal to realign part of the boundary between Seaford Meadows and Port Noarlunga South.

The boundary currently cuts through vacant land on which a large-scale residential housing development is planned, as well as part of the Onkaparinga River Recreation Park.

This means that both the vacant land and adjacent park is located in both Port Noarlunga South and Seaford Meadows. If the proposed development goes ahead, houses would be included in both suburbs.

Changing a section of the boundary will provide better land administration, and avoid any potential for confusion for emergency services.


Realigning part of the boundary between the two suburbs. This proposed change would mean the vacant allotment (Allotment 501 in D93870) and the adjacent Onkaparinga River Recreation park would be in Port Noarlunga South.

No existing residences or addresses are affected by this proposal. View the maps in the documents section of the current and proposed boundary.

As is required under Section 11B(2) of the Geographical Names Act 1991, the community must be advised and given the opportunity to have their say about proposed boundary changes.

A Notice of Intent for this current proposal was published on 10 June 2021 as per the Geographical Names Act 1991. This notice and more information about the process can found at:

Previous public consultation has occurred regarding this proposed suburb boundary change via a public notice dated 22 October 2020. Feedback resulted in the changes now being consulted on. For more information on the previous proposal visit

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To have your say:

What are the next steps?

The Surveyor-General will consider all feedback and a recommendation will be made to the Minister, the Hon Vickie Chapman MP.