Revised Planning and Design Code Consultation
Consultation has concluded
Consultation Process
Now Closed
This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 9 November to 18 December 2020. Below is a record of the engagement.
We want your feedback on the revised draft Planning and Design Code for South Australia.
What’s being decided?
We are seeking your views on changes made to the revised draft Phase Three (Urban Areas) Planning and Design Code (Code), covering metropolitan and regional cities in South Australia, following feedback received during a five-month period consultation from October 2019 to February 2020.
The Code is the cornerstone of South Australia’s new planning system and will offerContinue reading
Consultation Process
Now Closed
This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 9 November to 18 December 2020. Below is a record of the engagement.
We want your feedback on the revised draft Planning and Design Code for South Australia.
What’s being decided?
We are seeking your views on changes made to the revised draft Phase Three (Urban Areas) Planning and Design Code (Code), covering metropolitan and regional cities in South Australia, following feedback received during a five-month period consultation from October 2019 to February 2020.
The Code is the cornerstone of South Australia’s new planning system and will offer a single, consolidated set of planning rules for assessing development applications across the state.
An overview of the key changes and proposed improvements to the revised draft Code are outlined in the Summary of Post-Consultation Amendments.
Key areas of change in the Code include:
- more localised policy to reflect neighbourhood characteristics
- inclusion of existing Contributory Items as ‘Representative Buildings’
- raising the bar on residential infill standards
- simple approval pathway for new houses in greenfield and master-planned neighbourhoods
- establishment of strategic innovation zones to support new investment
- requirements for new trees, incentives for the retention of trees and more water sensitive urban design, such as rainwater tanks and permeable surfaces
- additional policy on flooding and related mapping.
The New planning system summary provides an overview of what the SA planning system will look like with the revised Code. The FAQ will also help clarify any questions you may have.
You can now familiarise yourself with the new system, comment on the revised planning policies and experience how the new planning system will operate once fully implemented.
We have put together a video from the State Planning Commission about the Planning and Design Code Consultation.
Get involved
Read the New planning system summary, Post-Consultation Amendments and FAQs.
For more information including brochures and factsheets, please visit the PlanSA portal. Useful information is also available in the Resources tab.
To have your say:
- join the online discussion
- submit online feedback through the Code Feedback Tool
- take part in the online poll
- attend a community information session or join a consultation webinar
- call 1800 752 664
- send an email to
You will receive an email acknowledging receipt of your submission and you will be asked to complete a short survey on the consultation process. Your submission will be published on the PlanSA portal. Personal addresses, email and phone numbers are not published; however, company details are.
How can your input influence the decision?
All formal submissions will be considered by the Commission when determining any further improvements to the revised Planning and Design Code.
What are the next steps?
The Commission will consider the submissions and make a recommendation to the Minister to implement the State’s new planning system in metropolitan areas and large regional towns in the first quarter of 2021.
Contact details
For enquiries please email us at or call us on 1800 752 664 during business hours (8.00am to 6.00pm, weekdays).
Closing date: 5:00pm 18 December 2020
Now Closed
This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 9 November to 18 December 2020. Below is a record of the engagement.
In October 2020, the State Planning Commission announced that South Australians will have another opportunity to provide feedback on the revised draft of the Planning and Design Code, for an additional six-week period.
Given the broad scope of initial consultation which took place from 1 October 2019 – 28 February 2020, the focus of this consultation is to:
- provide an opportunity to see how previous feedback has been incorporated into the Phase Three (Urban Areas) Code
- familiarise yourself with the revised draft Code.
Some changes proposed in the revised Phase Three (Urban Areas) Code will impact on the Phase Two (Rural Areas) Code which is already in operation across rural South Australia. These impacts are outlined in the Proposed Changes to the Rural Planning and Design Code Factsheet.
Phase Two councils and community members are encouraged to review these policy improvements to understand how they will affect them, and provide feedback if desired.
Members of the public, community groups, the 35 Phase Three councils (including Kangaroo Island and Copper Coast councils), as well as key industry, business and state agency stakeholders are encouraged to provide their feedback and attend the community engagement sessions.
A range of resources are available to help South Australians understand how to view the online Code, and submit feedback, on the PlanSA portal.
New Planning System Summary
Now Closed
This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 9 November to 18 December 2020. Below is a record of the engagement.
Download the New Planning System PDF
South Australia has a new, modern planning system
PlanSA will completely modernise how planning and development is undertaken and will help shape the communities we want to live and work in, both now and into the future.
It represents the most significant reform of planning and development legislation in South Australia’s history.
The move to an integrated and comprehensive online system is an Australian first, showcasing SA’s drive to be a leader in planning across the globe.
The new planning system is governed by the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 (PDI Act) which will replace the Development Act 1993 when fully implemented across the state in 2021.
PlanSA is Australia’s first state wide ePlanning platform
PlanSA includes the new online Planning and Design Code (the Code) and associated ePlanning platform for South Australia, replacing hard copy council development plans and the manual processing of development applications.
If you are looking to build or renovate your home, subdivide your land, add a shed or carport to your property, you can now submit and track your application online.
The platform allows you to search property zoning, find an accredited professional to help you with your application, review development rules, and track major projects and development activity across the state. You will experience a simpler online planning system with everything in one place.
The Code, underpinned by a modern ePlanning platform, will create a better future for South Australia. The PDI Act that underpins our new planning system now applies to the outback and rural areas of South Australia, with full implementation across metropolitan areas and larger regional towns to occur in 2021.
There are four key parts to our ePlanning platform
PlanSA comprises of multiple online systems, brought together as the new ePlanning platform for South Australia.
1. PlanSA Portal
The PlanSA portal provides the entry point to the new planning system for South Australia.
Through PlanSA, the planning and development system is taken online and provides a one-stop shop website for information, online services and community participation relating to the South Australian planning system.
South Australians will now have the planning information they need at their fingertips, and will be able to access the planning system 24 hours a day using their computer, phone or tablet.
The online Planning and Design Code (the Code), the South Australian Property and Planning Atlas (SAPPA - zoning maps) and the electronic Development Application Processing (DAP) system is accessible from the PlanSA portal.
2. Planning and Design Code (the Code)
The Code is a statutory instrument under the Act for the purposes of development assessment and related matters within South Australia.
The Code is the cornerstone of South Australia’s new planning and development system, replacing all 72 hard copy Development Plans that have been in use across the state with a single set of online planning ‘rules’ for assessing development applications.
The Code will help everyday South Australians navigate the planning system when building a house, developing a business, or progressing large commercial developments. The Code is user-friendly and online, making the planning process quicker, smoother and easier to understand than ever before.
You can view and browse the Planning and Design Code, search for what policies apply to a particular address or what policies apply to a particular development.
For more details and explanation of the Code visit the PlanSA Portal.
The Code is used for:
- Determining the rules that apply to your land
- Finding out the relevant assessment pathway that applies to what you want to do
- Making a comment on a re-zoning proposal for a particular site / land
3. Development Application Processing (DAP)
The DAP system is used to lodge or manage development applications for assessment.
Applicants, organisations and practitioners can all use the DAP system to streamline the application process.
The DAP system is used for:
- Lodging development applications online
- Tracking the progress of a lodged development application through the assessment process
- Assessing applications as a relevant authority and include feedback provided by a referral body
- Issuing online decisions and digital notifications
- Monitoring countdown clocks to ensure actions are met within designated timeframes.
4. SA Property and Planning Atlas (SAPPA)
SAPPA is a map-based application which displays where the planning zone boundaries and overlays of the Planning and Design Code apply.These are mapped against the individual property boundaries with the ability to turn on and off property, planning, environmental and infrastructure layers to create a custom view depending on what you are searching for.
SAPPA features many additional layers for the new planning system and integrates to both the PlanSA Portal and to the property register SAILIS.
You can search for a property by address, a plan parcel or certificate of title number. If you don’t know an address, you simply navigate through the map and drop a pin on the desired property.
SAPPA is used for:
- Finding out the zoning for a particular property or area
- Determining the overlays applicable to a property
- Searching land division applications that have been lodged at any point in time
Why is this important to me?
Many people are confused and frustrated with the current planning process, the lack of good design and delays in approvals. Our planning system needs to move with the times and keep up with the changing needs of our community.
There are many system benefits for community members including the new “Deemed-to-Satisfy” assessment category where decisions are to be made within 5 days making it a faster, more efficient and cost effective planning assessment pathway. Other more complex development activities may be considered against the “Performance Assessed” category with decisions made in 20 days.
Some of the community benefits include:
- Simpler online planning system with everything in one place
- Application tracking – can monitor all applications in one place – your own personal dashboard
- More focus on safety and compliance – provides occupants with more assurance
- Easier access to information
- Improved public notification of development applications on central web page
- Able to see all Development Applications via a central online public register
- Quicker processes and greater certainty for applicants, especially for new homes and minor activities.
PlanSA provides:
- Easier access to information which is digital by default
- Seven days a week access
- Online lodgement and monitoring of applications
- Map of applications
- Faster decisions for simple applications
- Better pathways for complex applications
- Better data and analytics to monitor the system
- This information and access gives us real time information and insight into what applications are lodged, what they are for and how long they took to get through the approval processes providing the ability for continual and responsive changes to improve the planning system.
- Efficient ePlanning system changes to respond to changing regulations and procedures
Glossary of terms
Referral Body
Some developments are in locations or involve activities that require the application to be sent to government agencies or other bodies. Referrals are required when the development proposed may impact on or may be effected by services or matters that other authorities have control over or an interest in.
Relevant Authority
The decision-maker who assesses the development application. Depending on the assessment pathway, this could be an Assessment Manager from council, an independent accredited professional, State Planning Commission or relevant panel.
Deemed-to-Satisfy development
A type of development that meets established criteria, is measurable and is an appropriate land use in its zone. Essentially, the development meets the prescriptive requirements of the Code.
Performance Assessed development
Applies to developments which require more intensive assessment of their potential impacts, design, and how they fit within the neighbourhood.This is an assessment of a development on its own merit against the Code.
Now Closed
This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 9 November to 18 December 2020. Below is a record of the engagement.
There are a number of resources available through the PlanSA portal. We recommend familiarising with the following first:
Phase three consultation
More about the code
- Raising the Bar on Residential Infill in the Planning and Design Code
- Protecting Heritage and Character in the Planning and Design Code
- Preserving our Green Infrastructure in the Planning and Design Code
- Revitalising Retail in the Planning and Design Code
- Rural Value Add in the Planning and Design Code – Factsheet
- New Neighbourhood Zones in the Planning and Design Code – Factsheet
- Proposed Changes to the Rural Planning and Design Code – Factsheet
Learn more about the Code
- You can review the Planning and Design Code online - enter your address to see the policies that apply to you.
- Visit the South Australian Property and Planning Atlas – see how the Planning and Design Code is mapped.
Thebarton event rescheduled
Unfortunately, due to Thebarton being used as a COVID testing facility, this session (originally planned for 7 December 2020) has been moved to Tuesday 15 December 2020– same time and location.
Third and final phase of Planning and Design Code set to ‘go live’
The third and final stage of the state government’s new Planning and Design Code is set to go live on Friday, 19 March 2021.
New dates and locations for community information sessions
We are pleased to advise that our metropolitan Community Information Sessions have been rescheduled and will now take place between 2-14 December. Please see below for the event details:
St. Claire Recreational Centre
Wednesday 2 December 2020
4 pm – 8 pm
Gawler Civic Centre
Friday 4 December 2020
4 pm – 8 pm
Thebarton Community Centre
Tuesday 15 December 2020*
4 pm – 8 pm
Glenunga Hub
Wednesday 9 December 2020
4 pm – 8 pm
Mt. Barker Community Centre
Thursday 10 December 2020
4 pm – 8 pm
Noarlunga Centre
Monday 14 December 2020
4 pm – 8 pm
*Unfortunately, due to Thebarton being used as a COVID testing facility, this session (originally planned for 7 December 2020) has been moved to Tuesday 15 December 2020– same time and location. For those who have already registered to attend on Monday 7 December 2020, the registrations are still valid and requires no further action.
For community members outside of the metropolitan area or for people who would prefer to speak with a Code policy expert online, we are also offering ‘virtual’ drop-in sessions on:
Virtual Drop-in Session
Thursday 3 December 2020
3 pm – 5 pm
Virtual Drop-in Session
Friday 11 December 2020
10 am – 12 pm
Virtual Drop-in Session
Tuesday 15 December 2020
10 am – 12 pm
In addition, we invite you to join one of our Phase Three Code Consultation Community Webinars that are scheduled to run throughout the consultation period. These webinars provide everyone with an opportunity to learn more about the revised Planning and Design Code and how to lodge an online submission using the Code Feedback Tool.
Webinar sessions are available at the following dates and times:
Friday 27 November 2020
10 am – 10:30 am
Monday 30 November 2020
5:30 pm – 6 pm
Friday 4 December 2020
10 am – 10:30 am
Monday 7 December 2020
10 am – 10:30 am
Wednesday 9 December 2020
12 pm – 12:30 pm
Monday 14 December 2020
5:30 pm – 6 pm
Community Information Sessions moved online
Due to recently announced COVID-19 restrictions, we regret to advise that the Phase Three Code Consultation Community Information Sessions scheduled for November have been postponed.
Revised Planning and Design Code Consultation is currently at this stageThis consultation closed on 18 December 2020.
Phase Three (Urban Areas) Planning and Design Code Amendment Summary of Post-Consultation Amendments (1.13 MB) (pdf)
South Australia's New Planning System (5.91 MB) (pdf)
Phase Three of the Planning and Design Code (Urban Areas)
Rural Value Adding Developments
New Neighbourhood Zones and Subzones in the draft Planning and Design Code
South Australia’s New Planning System Frequently Asked Questions (380 KB) (pdf)
Make a Feedback Submission on the Revised Planning and Design Code (2.19 MB) (pdf)
Key Dates
18 December 2020
- When will the Planning and Design Code be released for public consultation?
- How will people provide their feedback?
- Will there be further opportunity to comment on the Code?
- When will the new planning system come into operation?
- If I have already provided a submission do I need to resubmit it?
- Will there be supporting events or workshops that I can attend / join to find out more?
- What changes have been made to the Code?
- Will the Phase Three (Urban Areas) Code effect the Phase Two (Rural Areas) Code?
- Where do I go for more information?