Retirement Villages Amendment Bill Community Consultation

Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.

Have your say on proposed amendments to South Australia’s Retirement Villages Act 2016.

What's being decided?

We are seeking feedback on the Retirement Villages (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2023, which amends the Retirement Villages Act 2016.

This consultation provides an opportunity for stakeholders to consider whether the proposed changes achieve the intent of the review recommendations.

The YourSAy community consultation will begin on Friday 31 March and close on Friday 19 May 2023 at 5.00pm.


The Retirement Villages Act 2016 (the Act) commenced on 1 January 2018. The Act provides an effective framework for regulating the operation of all retirement villages across South Australia and ensuring consumer protections for residents and prospective residents of retirement villages.

When it was introduced, the Act included a provision requiring that it be reviewed after three years of operation. The Review was conducted by PEG Consulting in 2021. A discussion paper released during the review period received close to 200 submissions from residents, operators, peak bodies representing these groups and other interested members of the community.

The Review made 60 recommendations relating to reforming and strengthening legislation, policy, and Better Practice Guidelines.

Many of the recommendations propose amendments to the Retirement Villages Act 2016. These amendments are aimed at:

  • increasing consumer protections
  • strengthening standards applying to retirement village operators and village staff
  • strengthening the powers and functions of the Registrar.

The Review’s recommendations also considered the potential growth of the retirement village sector, the challenges of an ageing population putting increased demand on the sector and the wide variety of operators in the retirement villages space.

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What are the next steps?

We will consider your feedback to finalise the draft Amendment Bill before it is introduced to State Parliament.

Have your say on proposed amendments to South Australia’s Retirement Villages Act 2016.

What's being decided?

We are seeking feedback on the Retirement Villages (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2023, which amends the Retirement Villages Act 2016.

This consultation provides an opportunity for stakeholders to consider whether the proposed changes achieve the intent of the review recommendations.

The YourSAy community consultation will begin on Friday 31 March and close on Friday 19 May 2023 at 5.00pm.


The Retirement Villages Act 2016 (the Act) commenced on 1 January 2018. The Act provides an effective framework for regulating the operation of all retirement villages across South Australia and ensuring consumer protections for residents and prospective residents of retirement villages.

When it was introduced, the Act included a provision requiring that it be reviewed after three years of operation. The Review was conducted by PEG Consulting in 2021. A discussion paper released during the review period received close to 200 submissions from residents, operators, peak bodies representing these groups and other interested members of the community.

The Review made 60 recommendations relating to reforming and strengthening legislation, policy, and Better Practice Guidelines.

Many of the recommendations propose amendments to the Retirement Villages Act 2016. These amendments are aimed at:

  • increasing consumer protections
  • strengthening standards applying to retirement village operators and village staff
  • strengthening the powers and functions of the Registrar.

The Review’s recommendations also considered the potential growth of the retirement village sector, the challenges of an ageing population putting increased demand on the sector and the wide variety of operators in the retirement villages space.

Get involved

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What are the next steps?

We will consider your feedback to finalise the draft Amendment Bill before it is introduced to State Parliament.

Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.

  • Consultation Update - February 2024

    The outcomes of the consultation have informed the Retirement Villages (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2024, which was introduced to State Parliament on 21 February 2024.

    Once the Bill is passed by both Houses of Parliament, further consultation will be undertaken with stakeholders to prepare supporting regulations.

  • Consultation Outcome - December 2023

    supporting image

    A public consultation on proposed amendments to the Retirement Villages Act 2016 ran from 31 March to 19 May 2023.

    The consultation provided an opportunity for stakeholders to consider whether the proposed changes achieve the intent of the review recommendations, and if any additional changes to the legislation are needed before an amendment Bill is introduced in Parliament.

    During the consultation period, Office for Ageing Well held 13 information sessions across metropolitan and regional South Australia that were attended by over 420 residents, operators and other interested stakeholders. The consultation resulted in 373 unique submissions.

    The consultation is now closed and the outcomes will inform the Bill to amend the Retirement Villages Act 2016 which will then be introduced to State Parliament.