South Australia's Multiple Land Use Framework

Consultation has concluded


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Access to land is critical to our long-term sustainability and international competitiveness, and South Australia has demonstrated this through multiple use regional reserves, marine park networks and opening the Woomera Prohibited Area. South Australia is a pioneer in this field – we know the immense value of our natural environment to our export sector, economy and way of life.

The first framework of its kind to be released by an Australian State or Territory means landholders, industry, communities and regulators have a new guide to smarter and better-coordinated land use.

The South Australian Multiple


This consultation has now closed

Access to land is critical to our long-term sustainability and international competitiveness, and South Australia has demonstrated this through multiple use regional reserves, marine park networks and opening the Woomera Prohibited Area. South Australia is a pioneer in this field – we know the immense value of our natural environment to our export sector, economy and way of life.

The first framework of its kind to be released by an Australian State or Territory means landholders, industry, communities and regulators have a new guide to smarter and better-coordinated land use.

The South Australian Multiple Land Use Framework encourages transparent project planning and decision-making to minimise land use conflict and promote clear engagement and builds on the commitment to engaging in the most effective way with South Australians on decisions that affect them.

The South Australian Multiple Land Use Framework aligns with several of the State Government’s good governance policy initiatives, including Better Together.

The South Australian Multiple Land Use Framework, information booklet and case studies are available here.

Download the Chinese translations: 

The following reports are available here:

  • The 'What we heard' Report – identifies common themes from submissions received and provides a selection of comments on each theme (all identifying attributes have been removed from these comments).
  • The ‘Submission Recommendations and Response to Comments’ and the ‘Response to South East Submissions’ Reports – summarise recommendations from submissions regarding proposed changes to the draft Framework and provides responses to the key questions and concerns raised by individuals and organisations, including specific matters regarding fracture stimulation.
Updates and outcomes
What you said

We're seeking your input into a South Australian Multiple Land Use Framework.

What is being decided?

The South Australian Government has released a South Australian Multiple Land Use Framework, which seeks to minimise land use conflict and provide greater certainty for industry, communities and regulators for the benefit of South Australians. It also seeks to increase transparency and consistency in decision-making. This will enable more effective and targeted engagement with communities on land use change.

Why is the framework so important?

Land in South Australia is used for a variety of economic, environmental, social, cultural and conservation purposes. Access to land is critical to South Australia’s long-term sustainability and international competitiveness.

While existing regulatory frameworks in South Australia require stakeholder engagement and fair compensation for land access and use, it is recognised that managing the differing interests in land use and changes in land use could be improved to adapt with our evolving economy and global challenges.

How will your input be used?

You can provide your feedback on the Framework, in particular the Guiding Principles and Key Engagement Mechanisms sections of the Framework. Following the engagement process, the framework will be revised before the government considers its release in mid-2016.

After the engagement process ends on 18 December 2015, a government Reference Group will prepare a 'What We Heard' report, which will include a summary of key themes that emerged as a result of the comments received.

The report will then be used to revise the South Australian Multiple Land Use Framework before the South Australian Government considers its release in mid-2016.

  • Download the South Australian Multiple Land Use Framework (PDF, 5 MB)


Multiple Land Use in South Australia

South Australia has had a long history of successful partnerships with regards to multiple land use. In 1988, the Innamincka Regional Reserve was proclaimed to protect the integrity of the internationally significant wetlands of the Cooper Creek system. The regional reserve classification permits conservation, grazing, petroleum exploration and mining, and managed recreation use to continue side by side, making it the first reserve of its type. Since then, South Australia has proclaimed an additional six regional reserves over approximately 10% of the state.

The Woomera Prohibited Area is also a good example of where a collaborative multiple land use approach to time sharing Defence land can provide certainty to future infrastructure and economic development of the WPA, while maintaining existing rights to pastoralists, Aboriginal persons and traditional landowners.

However, access to land to accommodate a wide range of legitimate land uses is becoming increasingly more challenging. In 2011, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Energy and Resources Council highlighted the emerging conflict between coal-seam gas developers in Queensland and NSW and landholders and farming communities. A National Land Access Working Group was formed and tasked with the development of a National Multiple Land Use Framework. It was agreed that states and territories would develop their own multiple land use frameworks.

The National Framework was endorsed in December 2013 and supports the ability of local and regional communities, governments and industry to maximise land use in a flexible, environmentally sustainable manner over time.

In 2013, Rural Solutions SA undertook targeted consultations with key South Australian Government land use regulators on the National Multiple Land Use Framework and the current multiple land use stance in South Australia. These consultations determined that a whole of government approach to the development of a South Australian multiple land use framework would be of benefit to the state.

The South Australian Government endorsed this approach and in early 2015, a Reference Group consisting of 13 state government agencies was formed to develop the Framework for stakeholder consideration.


  • Download the South Australian Multiple Land Use Framework (PDF, 5 MB)

Download the Chinese translation:

Consultation has concluded
  • Update

    South Australian Multiple Land Use Framework, information booklet and case studies now available

    The Premier approved the release of the South Australian Multiple Land Use Framework on 15 June 2017:

    South Australian Multiple Land Use Framework (PDF 1.9MB)

    An information booklet providing further information on how the South Australian Multiple Land Use Framework applies to stakeholder groups has also been developed:


  • Update

    New reports now available

    Following stakeholder engagement on a (draft) South Australian Multiple Land Use Framework in late 2015 and the receipt of 58 submissions on the Framework, the Reference Group prepared the following reports:

    * The‘What we heard’ report (PDF, 760KB) identifies common themes from submissions received and provides a selection of comments on each theme (all identifying attributes have been removed from these comments).

    * The ‘Submission Recommendations and Response to Comments’ Report (PDF, 1.1MB) and the ‘Response to South East Submissions’ Report (PDF, 1MB) summarise recommendations from submissions regarding proposed changes to the draft Framework and provide responses to the key questions and concerns raised by individuals and organisations.

    Recommendations from the engagement process will greatly assist in the editing of this important body of work and we thank you for taking the effort to provide your thoughts on a South Australian Multiple Land Use Framework.

    The Reference Group continues to work through submission recommendations and make relevant changes to a revised draft South Australian Multiple Land Use Framework, with the aim of seeking Cabinet’s consideration of the Framework by the end of 2016.