Tax review in South Australia

Consultation has concluded


This engagement has closed. Thanks for your interest.


Why are we reviewing our State taxation system?

South Australia is already a great place to live and we value that as a community.

South Australia’s business environment boasts the most competitive payroll tax regime in the nation as ranked by the Commonwealth Grant’s Commission, and the lowest total taxes and charges for a big business and the second lowest for a small business establishing operations in a State. As a State that is encouraging the development of its mineral resources South Australia has competitive mining royalties.

Taxes raised by


This engagement has closed. Thanks for your interest.


Why are we reviewing our State taxation system?

South Australia is already a great place to live and we value that as a community.

South Australia’s business environment boasts the most competitive payroll tax regime in the nation as ranked by the Commonwealth Grant’s Commission, and the lowest total taxes and charges for a big business and the second lowest for a small business establishing operations in a State. As a State that is encouraging the development of its mineral resources South Australia has competitive mining royalties.

Taxes raised by the South Australian Government help to pay for high quality services and government infrastructure, including hospitals and health care services, education, police, roads, public transport and a range of sports, arts and cultural facilities.

There will be greater pressure on our health system as our population ages. If we want to ensure that South Australians continue to have access to high quality services, we need a taxation system that can provide the funding required in a reliable and sustainable manner.

Without sufficient revenue we will not be able to invest in the education of our young people, the health of our community and the infrastructure that supports our economy to grow.

There are also significant changes occurring in our State economy as a result of the closure of the car industry and other pressures facing our manufacturing sector. We need investment in new industries and businesses to create jobs for our young people entering the labour market for the first time, and for existing workers in search of a new career. Our tax system should support those who are investing in the State and trying to create new opportunities that will provide jobs for South Australians. The industries and jobs of the future will be quite different to those of the past, and we need to make sure that our tax system keeps pace with the changing nature of our economy.

The way in which we raise this revenue also needs to be fair to everyone. Getting this balance right is crucial to the Government’s vision to make South Australia the place where people and business thrive.

Objectives of tax review

Get involved

Interested parties are encouraged to make a written submission to the Government’s review of the State taxation system.

The Discussion Paper has been prepared to assist interested parties to make a submission.

Responses to the Discussion Paper are due by 24 April 2015.

Make a submission


Make an online submission



Department of Treasury and Finance
State Tax Review
GPO Box 1045

Hand delivery:

Department of Treasury and Finance
State Tax Review
200 Victoria Square

All submissions will be publicly available, unless you specifically request otherwise in your submission.

Public consultation sessions

In addition to the Government’s request for written submissions on tax reform, public consultation with interest groups and the broader community will also occur.

The table below sets out key dates for the State Tax Review. These dates may change as the Review progresses.

Further details on the timing and location of public consultation sessions will be provided here when available.

Key dates

February to April 2015 - Government to engage with key industry and peak groups
March to April 2015 - Information sessions on tax reform
24 April 2015 - Submissions close


NATSEM distributional impact of State Taxes (PDF, 621KB)

Business Tax Reform Seminar Presenation (PDF, 637KB)

Residential Tax Reform Seminar Presentation (PDF, 454KB)

Consultation has concluded
  • Outcome

    The Government announced that it would undertake a State Tax Review and released a Discussion Paper in February 2015 to facilitate consultation with the South Australian community.

    Read the discussion paper (PDF, 1.4MB)

    The Government has released its response to the State Tax Review as part of the 2015‑16 Budget.

    Read the Government’s response

    The tax reform measures the Government is undertaking in response to the State Tax Review are in line with the feedback received and its commitment to make South Australia the best place to do business.

    As part of the review process the Government held a number of forums in Adelaide and regional South Australia and met individually with dozens of representatives from industry, peak groups and business. More than 80 formal submissions were also received in response to the State Tax Review Discussion Paper as well as a large number of comments.

    Read the submissions to the State Tax Review

    Thank you to the South Australian community for contributing to the State Tax Review process.