Tennyson Dunes Coast Park Concept Report

Consultation has concluded


This engagement has now closed however we will provide updates as the Tennyson Dunes Discovery Trail project progresses. You'll find updates here.


The Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources wants to hear your views on the Tennyson Dunes Coast Park Concept Report.


The Tennyson Dunes are a destination of regional significance and the only remnant tertiary dune system along the Adelaide metropolitan coastline. Recognising the ecological significance of the area, the Tennyson Dunes were declared a Conservation Reserve under the Crown Lands Management Act in September 2015.

The Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources


This engagement has now closed however we will provide updates as the Tennyson Dunes Discovery Trail project progresses. You'll find updates here.


The Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources wants to hear your views on the Tennyson Dunes Coast Park Concept Report.


The Tennyson Dunes are a destination of regional significance and the only remnant tertiary dune system along the Adelaide metropolitan coastline. Recognising the ecological significance of the area, the Tennyson Dunes were declared a Conservation Reserve under the Crown Lands Management Act in September 2015.

The Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR) recently prepared a Tennyson Dunes Coast Park Concept Report (PDF, 3.1MB) for a 1.5km ‘Discovery Trail’ through the reserve. The report outlines options for the alignment and construction of a low speed, shared use path that caters for all users including the young, the old, pedestrians, joggers and cyclists, wheelchairs and prams, while enhancing the environment and encouraging visitors to stay on the path. The Discovery Trail will allow more people to experience this important ecological asset and provide opportunities for education and interpretation.

The report contains a number of options for the alignment of the Discovery Trail, each of which has possible positive and negative consequences. DEWNR is now consulting on the Concept Report to understand stakeholders’ views for the alignment of the path. Information gathered through the consultation will be provided to the Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation.

Download the summary brochure (PDF, 1.5MB)

Download the Tennyson Dunes Coast Park Concept Report (PDF, 3.1MB)

How was the Concept Report developed?

The Concept Report was developed in 2015 through a series of ‘walking workshops’ to investigate path alignment options by a design team comprising ecologists, experts in sustainable trail construction, landscape architects and representatives of DEWNR. The Tennyson Dunes Group, a local volunteer conservation group, participated in this process, sharing their local knowledge of the dunes.

Key design principles

A number of key principles have underpinned the design of the Discovery Trail, including:

  • conserving and protecting the sensitive dune environment of the Tennyson Conservation Reserve
  • providing access for a range of users, including people of all ages, cyclists, people with prams and people using wheelchairs
  • meeting the needs of the different users while minimising conflict (e.g. when passing)
  • fostering awareness and stewardship by providing a meandering experience of the natural environment.

Why are there options in the Concept Report?

The Concept Report contains options for the alignment of the Discovery Trail. Each options has possible positive and negative consequences, which are outlined in detail in the Summary Brochure and Concept Report. These options were included acknowledging that in some places there is a logical alignment for the path, for example an existing section of path, while in other places, there is more than one possible location for the Discovery Trail.

How will the trail look and feel?

This Discovery Trail will have a different look and feel to several existing sections of the Coast Park trail along the metropolitan coast in that it has to be designed to preserve as much of the conservation-significant species and habitats. This means that the alignment is meandering and the path width will vary.

It is also important that the aesthetics of the trail is complimentary with the surrounding sand dunes and vegetation, while also being smooth enough to cater for all users.

A variety of site responsive methods will be used for the construction of the Discovery Trail. The Concept Report details possible approaches to construction, including preconstruction activities, site access, drainage, junctions, walls/edges, fencing and maintenance.

Get involved

You are encouraged to provide comments about the Discovery Trail, your views on the alignment, and the reasons for your preference.

Local residents and community groups are also being invited to provide input on the Discovery Trail.

The consultation period commences on 15 February 2016 and will conclude on 8 April 2016.

Once you have read the summary brochure (PDF, 1.5MB) and report (PDF, 3.5MB), there are a number of ways that you can get involved and provide your feedback:

  1. Send in a written submission via
    email: mail@urps.com.au
    mail: Tennyson Dunes Stakeholder Engagement
    C/- URPS
    Fullarton Road
    Rose Park SA 5067
  2. Complete the online feedback survey – the summary brochure and report can help provide important background information
  3. Phone Michael Arman or Nicole Halsey from URPS* on 8333 7999
  4. Join the online discussion.

*URPS (Urban and Regional Planning Solutions) are consultants assisting DEWNR with the stakeholder engagement for this project.

Consultation has concluded
  • Outcome

    On 9 September 2016 Hon Ian Hunter MLC, SA Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation released the Tennyson Dunes Conservation Reserve Coast Park Indicative Alignment (PDF 350KB). The Indicative Alignment has been developed following considerable community and expert consultation and a copy of the consultation report can be found here (PDF 1.8MB).

    The Stakeholder Engagement process started in February 2016 and saw:

    • 350 YourSAy surveys started,
    • 102 comments in YourSAy Discussion,
    • 46 written and
    • 10 phone submissions

    The objectives of the consultation were to understand stakeholder preferences for the alignment of the Coast Park Trail and the reasons for those preferences. This information collected via the engagement activities was able to help inform the development of the Indicative Alignment of the Coast Park Trail.

    Thank you for your interest in the Tennyson Dunes Conservation Reserve Coast Park project.

  • Update

    Stage one announced for Tennyson Dunes Discovery Trail

    Sustainability, Environment and Conservation Minister Ian Hunter has approved the trail route for the northern section (stage one) of the Discovery Trail through Tennyson Dunes Conservation Reserve.

    Stage one encompasses the majority of the Reserve from its northern boundary and south to an area adjacent to Tennyson Heights Court. Click here to view a map of the stage one trail route (PDF 8.5MB)

    The stage one route will upgrade the current trail and is designed to minimise its environmental footprint, protect the sensitivity of Tennyson Dunes by predominantly using existing paths and maintain adjoining residents’ privacy and amenity.

    A mix of trail surface options will be used including a natural product of compacted crushed rubble and a precast modular boardwalk. All materials and surface treatments have been specially selected to ensure the colours blend in with the surrounding natural environment.

    Planning and public consultation to determine the route for stage one of the trail has been extensive and a wide range of views including those from residents, bike riders, environmental groups and walkers were considered in making the final decision.

    Design and construction of the Tennyson Dunes Discovery Trail will be completed in two stages to ensure all possible trail options are given proper consideration and assessment.

    The Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources is currently investigating the trail route options for the southern section (stage two), from near Tennyson Heights Court to Bournemouth Street. Consultation on stage two will be undertaken with residents and other stakeholders before a final decision is made.

    Construction of stage one of the trail is expected to begin in October 2017.

    If you require further information on the stage one trail route of the Tennyson Dunes Discovery Trail please email DEWNR.tennysondunesdiscoverytrail@sa.gov.au.

  • Update

    Preparations for the Tennyson Dunes Discovery Trail

    Land surveyors have now completed onsite work at Tennyson Dunes Conservation Reserve on behalf of the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources.

    The survey work took several weeks and involved mapping land contours and vegetation. This data is now being analysed by the landscape architect and the department to identify the most suitable path alignment and possible treatments for the trail that protect the environment whilst considering access for mobility impaired, social impacts and cultural heritage of the area.

    This work will take into consideration the input we received from residents, interested groups and experts during consultation, combined with the need to minimise disturbance to the dunes and vegetation.

    Once completed, all information will be provided to the Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation for a decision about the final path alignment. Details of the final path alignment will be available on this webpage.

    If you require further information on surveying at Tennyson Dunes Conservation Reserve please email DEWNR.tennysondunesdiscoverytrail@sa.gov.au.

  • Update

    Tennyson Dunes Coast Park Consultation Report now available

    On 9 September 2016 Hon Ian Hunter MLC, SA Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation released the Tennyson Dunes Conservation Reserve Coast Park Indicative Alignment (PDF 350KB). The Indicative Alignment has been developed following considerable community and expert consultation and a copy of the consultation report can be found here (PDF 1.8MB).

    The objectives of the consultation were to understand stakeholder preferences for the alignment of the Coast Park Trail and the reasons for those preferences. This information collected via the engagement activities was able to help inform the development of the Indicative Alignment of the Coast Park Trail.